Product Image Prophetic Community: God’s call for ALL to Minister in His Gifts by Kim Maas 

Kim shares her testimony of God speaking to her (pg 29).  She had not grown up in a church that believed that God was still speaking today.  However, as she shares God breaks into her life and speaks. She is obedient and found a place of healing for her and her family.  In time God revealed more during an encounter at a women’s retreat.

“Within a year of the encounter in 1994, it seemed as though I was getting called out by some minister or leader in every meeting I attended.  A leader in a church I was attending gave me a prophetic word about being called as a prophetic voice to the nations. A few years later, Cindy Jacobs called me out of the crowd of nearly 2000 to prophesy, “You will open your mouth and speak and prophesy to the nations.”b (pg 31)

Kim did not know or expect that prophecy would be such a large part of her life but as she grows and develops she realises that 

“We all have been given grace to minister to His gifts to every place and person where we are sent.  Grace is the empowerment of God by the Holy Spirit in which we receive His gifts to function in prophetic wisdom and utterance, healing and deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders, in order to complete the mission of Christ.” (pg 119)

So her book is for every believer, everyone who is willing to step out into prophetic opportunities and she offers sound advice and encouragement to all trying to do so.  

To further assist in this she leaves a chapter summary and activation questions for you to go through. 

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