The Power and Purpose of Prophetic Intercession: Praying with God’s Heart by James Goll

Praying with God’s Heart by James W Goll

At about chapter 9, James put the prophetic and intercession together; I went “Yay”.  This is where he said the following:

“In prophetic intercession the Spirit of God pleads the covenant promises made throughout history to be enacted in our day.  The inspired form of intercession is the urge to pray, given by the Holy Spirit, for a situation or circumstance about which you may have little natural knowledge.  But you are praying the prayer request that is on the heart of God.  He nudges you to pray so that He can intervene.  The Holy Spirt Himself directs you to pray in a divine manner to bring forth His will on earth as it already is in heaven.”  Page 151

We can continually pray in any situation, however when the Holy Spirit nudges us there is a power that can persuade the Father to change his mind, to intervene, and to bring in the coming of Jesus.  There is great power in this.  James continues to describe this by discussing the prophetess Anna.  She had been in the temple a long time; we are talking decades, praying, pleading, and interceding.  She was not praying for herself a widow after only 7 years of marriage, she was praying for Israel, for the people of God, and for the coming of Christ.  Anna was blessed to actually see the Lord at 8 days old. However, there are many who have prayed and fasted for others that don’t always see the end result of their prophetic/intercessory prayer.

On pages 153/4 James gives 3 definitions of prophetic intercession.  One of these talks about how it is not like we are praying at God but praying with Him, having a conversation about the situation. Therefore, the Father is sharing his heart about the matter with you.

From the begin to the end of this book, James Goll is sharing his story and really the heart of the matter.  We need to be chasing after the presence of God, to find his heart for his people and that is our job; to discover the Father’s Heart on every matter.

The book ends with a 21 day devotional to assist you on your journey of discovery into prophetic intercession.

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