The Prophetic Warrior by Emma Stark

As soon as I started reading this book, I loved it.  Emma’s first story was about her asking God for a “killer word” a word that was going to change things.  God told her to deal with someone’s infertility.  Emma argued with the Lord.  There have been times in my own communications with God have gone like this.  I question, but in the end, you’ve got to do what God tells you to do and when you do His word is very powerful and life changing. 

As I read a book to do a review, I take pictures of the pages/paragraphs that particularly speak to me.  They may be for a moment of “Yeah preach on girl!!” or it may be something new that I’ve learnt.  Emma also speaks prayers over her reader and releases God’s power and message over us.  That is really awesome.  Throughout she also gives activations for you to take part in.

Emma’s reasoning for writing this book is as follows:

“This book is a journey into the thinking and lifestyle of a prophetic warrior.  In it you will learn the importance of courage, faith and understanding your true authority.  It is an open invitation for you to find your wild revelatory voice and to become established in who you were meant to be.”

I think she accomplishes this, with an evident passion for Jesus and for the world to hear God’s heart for them.  Some of my favourite quotes are below and if you are someone wanting to grow in your authority, to grow in loving the Lord in this way then I recommend you read “The Prophetic Warrior”!

“Prophecy, healing, tongues and miraculous powers are not “optional extras” that we can take or leave, depending on what mood we wake up in”.  Pg 40

“The spiritual gifts are divine empowerments to operate in the power of God to rescue people.” Pg 43

“Everyone you meet is crying out to have a power encounter with Jesus!”  Pg 47

Decree time “What God has put in me will change lives.  I have been entrusted with weaponized gifts from the most powerful place in all of Heaven and earth.” Pg 50

“Everytime we prophesy something should change!” Pg 60

  • “Intentionality… God what are You wanting to do in this church service today?”
  • “God what shall I decree over my children’s school today that is in line with what You are saying?”
  • “What are You praying for me, Jesus?”
  • “God what do you think about this shopping mall?”
  • “God what are you thinking about for my office today?”
  • “What are you excited about today, Jesus?”   Pg 151/2

“Prophetic People will speak” – A Prophecy: There will be a fresh prophetic move of God.  The prophetic is undergoing its greatest change in decades.  Revelation will no longer be rare.  It will be fiery, and there will be a new accuracy to it.” Pg 163

“I pray for you as you read these pages, and I loose the new word of the Lord and glory speaking.  Fire in your bones and coming out of your mouth!  We are going to have to get used to the fire anointing!”  Pg 169

“Prophecy activates godly motivation; it triggers people to make decisions for the better.  It becomes the horizon line for someone’s life; it becomes where they aim.” Pg 240

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